-The Neighborhod Yard Sale was a GREAT success! We are finally "on the map" and had the biggest turnout ever! A BIG thanks to Kari Bryant and the social committee for all of your coordinating efforts.
-The OFFICIAL line of communication with the Homeowners Board will be through the following PO Box. The board meets once a month and will not be addressing any issues that are sent via email. Please submit building plans/additions to your site/home to this PO Box for approval.
PO Box 852
Lexington, SC 29072
-Communication for social events/social communication will still be through the Brookshire email account at brookshire.sub@aol.com. We are still working on getting a working email address for every household for announcements, etc. If you haven't provided your email yet, please email it to brookshire.sub@aol.com.
-It was voted at the annual homeowners meeting that signs would be purchased as an effort to slow down speeding cars. They are up and are a great reminder for all of us that the posted speed limit in Brookshire is 25 mph!
-Current dues paid count is 59 out of 77 homeowners. If you have not paid, please mail to the PO Box. Thank you!
-Current dues paid count is 59 out of 77 homeowners. If you have not paid, please mail to the PO Box. Thank you!