Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November News...

-Happy Thanksgiving Week!  It will be so fun seeing all of the Christmas decorations going up around the neighborhood next week!

-The Neighborhod Yard Sale was a GREAT success!  We are finally "on the map" and had the biggest turnout ever!  A BIG thanks to Kari Bryant and the social committee for all of your coordinating efforts.

-The OFFICIAL line of communication with the Homeowners Board will be through the following PO Box.  The board meets once a month and will not be addressing any issues that are sent via email.  Please submit building plans/additions to your site/home to this PO Box for approval.
PO Box 852
Lexington, SC  29072

-Communication for social events/social communication will still be through the Brookshire email account at brookshire.sub@aol.com.  We are still working on getting a working email address for every household for announcements, etc.  If you haven't provided your email yet, please email it to brookshire.sub@aol.com.

-It was voted at the annual homeowners meeting that signs would be purchased as an effort to slow down speeding cars.  They are up and are a great reminder for all of us that the posted speed limit in Brookshire is 25 mph!

-Current dues paid count is 59 out of 77 homeowners.  If you have not paid, please mail to the PO Box.  Thank you!

Friday, November 9, 2012


The Brookshire Neighborhood Yard Sale is this Saturday, November 10!  In addition to your STUFF, if you would like to sell drinks or baked goods, go for it!!!

If anyone is selling a kitchen table and chairs please email sallysbrown@yahoo.com.  There is a resident in Brookshire that is on the board of a children's advocacy center.  The center counsels and treats abused children and there is a family in need of a table and chairs.  Thanks so much!

A BIG THANKS to Kari Bryant for all of her work to make the Halloween Party LOTS of fun!!!  If you are interested in being on the social committee to help with neighborhood events, the committee would LOVE more volunteers!  It's a GREAT way to get to know your neighbors better!  Email brookshire.sub@aol.com if you are interested.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Backflow Testing

Yay!  We have a large enough group for a reduced rate for Backflow Testing.  Call Eddie Smith with The Lawn Smith (more info about Eddie here) at 359-1229 to schedule your backflow test for $25.  Eddie is licensed and has been in business since 1982.

Save the Dates!

Trick-Or-Treat for the neighborhood will be on October 31st at dusk/dark so have lots of candy ready!  A porch light on or off has traditionally been a great signal to trick-or-treaters whether to come knocking.  After going through our neighborhood, if your little ones are still going strong, the houses on Holly Road and in Brookshire Commons are also great places to find treats!

The Costume Party/Fall Potluck will be on Saturday, November 3rd at 5:00.  The kids will be thrilled that they get to dress up one more time.  Yummy food and friendly fellowship will just be a quick walk away!  Check back...more details to follow soon!

The Neighborhood Yard Sale will be Saturday, November 10 from 7 am-until.  There is no cost to participate, but please let Kari Bryant know if you are planning to put up a table so we can advertise accordingly.  She will have a sign-up sheet at the Potluck.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Social/Events Meeting!

Our first announcement!  Isn't this working great?!  Along with the information sign we have planned for the front entrance, I think we are set to keep everyone in the loop!

A social/events meeting will be held at Kari Bryant's house (128 Rivendell Drive) at 3:00, this Saturday, October 13th to determine the dates for and discuss plans for the upcoming Yard Sale and Fall Potluck.  If you are interested in helping in the planning of either of these, just head on over to Kari's on Saturday afternoon.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Howdy Neighbor!

If you are reading this, you received this blog address in your mailbox and you were curious to see what the heck it was!  Yay!  Welcome to your neighborhood blog! We hope you will stick that card on your fridge and save this site in your Favorites!
Let me be the first to say that we have felt the COMMUNITY of Brookshire recently more than ever. After having Baby Lucy at the beginning of August, neighbors have gone out of their way to help us...gifts, meals, calls, sidewalk chats, etc.  We have lived here almost five years and Justin and I were just saying that we really feel part of a community now more than ever!  (One sweet neighbor even mowed our grass in the August heat!  How sweet was that?!)

We hope this blog can be a gathering place for our neighborhood to grow closer, whether it be the next Neighborhood Yard Sale date or a birth announcement of a new little neighbor!

-Sally Brown (129 Rivendell)